Herbs and Essence has always been used for various Healing purposes.
It carries prana which works on the Aura, Chakras and energy of the place thus helping in various aspects of life.
Bringing to you Spray Cleansing Spray by TatTwamAsi. Perfectly blended with a mix of 7 different types of essential oils including sage, sandalwood, lavender etc, it helps in cleansing the home & office area from all negative energies. Just apply a few sprays in your surrounding specially the corners of the space . Once it mixes with the air, it will cleanse, disintegrate clogged up energies and remove the negative energies from the home or office.
Other Usage: Many a times we stay in hotels, or travel in public transports where the energies are not clean and we might feel uncomfortable/allergic being in that place. Such energies may contaminate us. A few sprays of this mix will help to instantly disintegrate and remove such energies.
*Also it is a good replacement for incenses specially if someone is allergic to smoke.
Qty. 100 ml
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